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Chilthorne Domer Church School

Together we Love, we Aim High and we Celebrate!


Below you will find lots of information about how we teach Computing in our school. 

Digital Leaders

Our Digital Leader Team help support computing and online safety around the school, as well as the wider community.  They are ready to  help develop the Acceptable User Agreement for Pupils, as well as plan and deliver assemblies, write letters to nurseries about our Building Habits posters and ensure the Chrome books and iPads are running smoothly.

House Day Fun - Computing Session

Thursday 18th July 2024

During our house morning this week, the children were given the theme of trees to create something magical using a device.

The results were some magical artwork created using their painting skills in Jit, as well as some amazing animations using Scratch on the Chrome books. In addition to this some of the children chose to use the Microbits to create a flashing tree!

Micro:bit fun!

Still image for this video

Scratch animation fun!

Still image for this video

Micro:bit fun!

Still image for this video

Scratch fun!

Still image for this video

Supertato Computing Skills

Ash Class enjoyed listening to the story of 'Supertato Run Veggies Run' by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.  They then used their typing skills to create sentences about Supertato before using the paint tools to create their own picture.

EYFS and KS1 Computing Club - 23rd March 2023

This week in computing club, the children were able to explore 'Code Spark', a programming game, where they were able to create an avatar and use algorithms to direct them to do different things.  One game included catching doughnuts and gems!

EYFS and KS1 Computing Club - 16th March 2023

This week in computing club the children used the Jit5 app again but with the 'animation' tab.  They chose a background of their choice and then used a clipart image, which they placed in a slightly different place for each 'scene'.  Once they pressed 'play' they were able to watch their animations.

Beach animation

Still image for this video

Penguin animation

Still image for this video

Dog animation

Still image for this video

Seaside animation

Still image for this video

Bird animation

Still image for this video

Beach ball animation

Still image for this video

Bee animation

Still image for this video

Worm animation

Still image for this video

Butterfly animation

Still image for this video

Penguin animation

Still image for this video

EYFS and KS1 Computing Club - 9th March 2023

This week in computing club the children explored using the programmable toys - Beebots.  First they explored the Beebots and the mats to recap their knowledge and then they went about creating their own algorithm codes to direct the Beebot from one place to another.  When they programmed their Beebots and watched them travel, some of the children needed to 'debug' their routes to make sure they stayed on course!

EYFS and KS1 Computing Club  - 2nd March 2023

Computing club had the challenge to use the Jit5 painting tool to create themselves as their World Book Day character.  Take a look at their wonderful mouse control, as well as ability to choose different colours and tools to make marks with. 

New Technology - Micro:bits

Willow Class and Maple Class have been exploring the new BBC Micro:bits in school.  The children have been testing and making different projects that involve the use of different inputs (buttons, switches and sensors) and outputs (lights and sounds). Both classes have been very engaged and have shown great excitement!

Please find below a link to our E-Safety page

Please find below a link to our E-Safety policies 
